Why was Ryan Edwards arrested for the third time? Teen Mom OG alums legal drama explored

High schooler Mother OG alum Ryan Edwards was captured in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Friday, April 7, 2023, for ownership of a controlled substance and DUI. This was the third time that the television character was captured on drug-related charges. Ryan is likewise going through a separation method with his significant other Mackenzie Edwards.

Trigger admonition: This article contains notices of medication use and medication ownership. Prudence is encouraged.

As per an affirmation detailed by The Sun, Ryan was found “oblivious and lethargic” controlling everything of his truck. The oath additionally expressed that police found Ryan Edwards steering the ship of his vehicle as the vehicle was running and in drive.

After the police got him out of the vehicle, they ensured that he was given Narcan and was in the long run cognizant. Narcan is a medicine used to switch or limit the impacts of narcotics.

After Ryan Edwards was set free from the clinic, he was captured and accused of DUI and basic belonging. A trial is booked for Thursday, April 20, 2023. As per The Sun, Ryan will stay in prison up to that point.

Per the testimony, a few things were found in Ryan Edwards’ ownership. This incorporated a “gem type substance,” and one more sack of what resembled blue powder. The oath additionally expressed that when he showed up at the medical clinic, Ryan Edwards said that he had grunted the powder prior to awakening in the rescue vehicle.

The Tennessee local likewise didn’t have any desire to submit to a blood test while he was in the medical clinic. Ryan was first captured in Walk 2017 after heroin was tracked down in his control. Simply a year after the fact, in May 2018, he was captured by and by for disregarding his probation. Before this capture, Ryan’s ex Maci Bookout and her currently spouse Taylor McKinney petitioned for a request for assurance against Ryan Edwards.

They documented the request for security expressing that Ryan called Taylor in Walk 2018 and took steps to appear at his home and “put a shot” in Taylor’s mind. May 2018 marked the beginning of a two-year controlling request against Edwards.

In September 2018, Ryan’s ex Maci Bookout addressed Us Week after week about managing Edwards’ chronic drug use. Maci, who has a child, Bentley, with Ryan Edwards, expressed that while they truly do think often about Ryan, they couldn’t carry on with their lives continually being stressed over and scrutinizing the activities of a developed man.

Maci Bookout and Ryan had been together for under a half year when the previous got pregnant and they showed up on 16 and Pregnant. Albeit the two got ready for marriage, they separated not long after Bentley was born in 2008. While the two did attempt and co-parent their child together, as per US Week after week, Maci appeared to be co-nurturing Bentley more with Ryan’s folks than with him.

Maci wedded her ongoing spouse in 2016, and Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards likewise got connected with that very year. They wedded before long and have a child together, named Jagger, who was born in October 2018 when Ryan Edwards was in recovery. Notwithstanding, the couple declared their partition in Walk 2023, six years after they got hitched. It was accounted for that Mackenzie Edwards sought legal separation in February 2023.

That very month, Ryan was captured for disregarding his now ex’s request for insurance. He was captured a second time half a month after the fact for following Mackenzie and disregarding her request for security.

At the point when Ryan was captured, he had “ownership of medication stuff and two packs of thought opiates.” As indicated by US Week after week at that point, he was set up for various charges, which included provocation as well as having drugs and controlled substances.

Ryan Edwards was captured a third time in a couple of months for a DUI and having controlled substances on Friday, April 7, 2023.

On the off chance that you or somebody you know is confronting medication or substance misuse issues, you can call the Substance Misuse and Psychological well-being Administrations Organization Helpline at 1-800-662-4357. The helpline is accessible day in and day out, and is free and classified.
