Where to find emergency rations

The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) mode offers a thrilling experience in Call of Duty, where players must survive on their own by locating different supplies. Emergency rations are low-tier items that can be easily obtained for $50 of the in-game currency. These items can be stacked and carried over to different places in backpacks with ease.

Although emergency rations are readily available in the DMZ game mode, they are small items, so players have to search certain locations quite thoroughly to find them. Medical supplies are more likely to spawn in medical tents and hospital buildings. Although a lucky few may occasionally stumble across these supplies in restrooms and closets, they're not the usual spawn locations.

Here are some of the best possible locations where players can look for emergency rations in Call of Duty's DMZ mode.

DMZ location guide for emergency rations and more

Alongside the highly anticipated free-to-play Warzone 2, Activision introduced DMZ as a separate playable game mode. It offers a survival experience on the exact same map that's used in Warzone 2. While traversing through the map of Al Mazrah, players will find different types of loot that they can collect.

High-tier loot is usually found in highly guarded areas or provided as a reward for completing missions for different factions. However, players will most likely stumble upon low-tier loot frequently as they're scattered all over the map.

Emergency ration locations

Emergency rations are low-tier loot that can be stacked and carried over to different parts of the map in the player's backpack. Considering that these items don't randomly spawn on the map, there are a few key locations that players should head to when searching for them.

  • Medical centers have a high probability of spawning emergency rations alongside self-revive kits and even stims.
  • The hospital building present on the map between Rohan Oil and Quarry is a great place to search for medical supplies. These buildings usually have many rooms where low-tier items spawn including in places like restrooms and cabinets.
  • Another hospital building can be found near the Hafid Port which boasts a similar probability for the spawning of emergency rations.
  • Refrigerators, although an unorthodox location, might contain some of the medical supplies that you're looking for.

A faction mission involving emergency rations

Players will eventually find themselves accepting a contract from the White Lotus faction, where they must deliver a certain number of emergency rations to a particular location. It should be noted that this is a Tier 3 mission and won't be as easy as it sounds. Completing this mission will reward players with an Icarus 556 and 10,000 XP.

Fortunately, this drop mission doesn't need to be completed in a single go and can opt to take several trips to that location if they're scared of losing all of their loot to enemy players. Additionally, this mission will require the player to find a total of five self-revive kits and 20 stims to deliver to the location.

Unfortunately, there's no fixed spawn pattern that will ensure that the required loot is present in the locations listed above. Players must thoroughly search through these locations to minimize any probability of missing out on items.

This concludes with a list of the best locations to find emergency rations in Warzone 2’s DMZ game mode. Be sure to follow Sportskeeda for the latest updates and more in-game tips and tricks.

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