Tonight on ABC their new series The Rookie airs with an all-new Sunday, October 9, 2022, season 5 episode 3 called, “Dye Hard,” and we have your The Rookie recap below. In tonight’s The Rookie season 5 episode 3 as per the ABC synopsis, “Officer John Nolan is assigned his first rookie, Officer Celina Juarez, whose unconventional approach to police work poses a unique challenge for him.”
Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Rookie recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
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Tonight’s episode begins with Nolan, and he finds a kid in a driverless car and it just ran a stop sign.
Lucy is home from undercover school. Chris tells her that he has been looking around online looking at a group called Dye Hard in search of Rosalind Dyer.
Roll Call, Grey welcomes back Chen after her training. And, Nolan is going to train his first rookie, officer Celina Juarez. Chen gives her advice, then tells her if she wants to talk to another woman, she is there for her.
Nyla is back, it is her first day leaving baby Lea.
Chen calls Wesley and she asks him if Chris mentioned anything about the online group that is hunting Rosalind. He says no.
Bradford is with West who tells him that he is being blackmailed. He thought it was a girl and sent a photo of himself, and it was actually a man and he photoshopped it and is now blackmailing him.
Chen stops at a building to look for qaurters. At first she sees nothing, then she hears a bang and she is locked inside.
Jaurez thanks Nolan for letting her drive. She pulls over a vehicle and Nolan doesn’t know why she did it. Jaurez asks to look in her trunk, Jaurez says there is a dark aura coming from her trunk. They end up opening the trunk and there is blood, she knew it. Bradford shows up, he says they will take a sample and see if it is human. Bradford tells Juarez if she ever does that again, she will be reprimanded.
Chen is calling control and nobody answers.
Wesley goes to see Chris, he says the Dye Hard thing is freaking her out.
Grey tells Nolan that his rookie shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. And he reminds him that as her supervisor, she is his responsibility.
Chen decides to take the time to read some of the chat in the Dye Hard group.
Nyla finds out that the blood in the trunk of the car belongs to a woman that has been missing for three days and they can’t use the evidence because the traffic stop wasn’t warranted. The blood is only 10-12 hours old, the woman, Jill, could still be alive. The woman they pulled over, is Jill’s boyfriend, Tyler’s grandmother.
Bradford realizes that he has heard Chen on the radio for quite a while, he asks dispatch and it has been two hours. He gets her last location, heads there and gets her out. She tells Bradford that she thinks she has a lead on Rosalind from the group.
Lucy arrives at the FNI, she tells Chris that she went through the chat and she thinks she found Rosalind. There is a user TruthHunter, and Chen thinks it is her. They are going to get cyber crimes involved and see if they can track her IP address.
Juarez tells Nolan that she had a dream, she dreamt that she was on a beach and body washed up, but it wasn’t Jill.
Grey tells Chen they found an address for Rosalind’s IP address.
Based on Juarez’s dream, Nolan and she head to an abondonned house on Beachwood road. Nolan smashes the window and they go inside. Jill is bloodied and attached to the bed. Juarez checks her, she is alive. Juarez sees someone outside and calls for Nolan, but then runs off on her own after the guy she saw. Nolan leaves the squad car to help Juarez who he is now on the radio with. She tells him the guy is on the move. Juarez gives Nolan her location jut as she is jumped by the guy Nolan arrives and sees a struggle, as Tyler is on top of Juarez and strangling her, Nolan arrives and saves her
Back at the station, Nolan tells Juarez that he read her file about what happened to her nine year old sister, how she disappeared when she was supposed to be watching her. He tells her that he is willing to give her another shot and trust his gut.
Chen is on the scene with an FBI team to teach the premises of the address where the IP address was coming fro. When they arrive, they find two people dead and writen on the wall in blood, is “better luck next time.”