I didn’t hate this trailer for My Week With Marilyn, the new film (based on the book and the allegedly true story) starring Michelle Williams as Monroe. The movie looks interesting, but… I’m very wary of Michelle’s performance now. The way the trailer has been cut, it’s like they don’t want to show us anything more than a second or two of Michelle’s take on Marilyn. Is it because of Michelle’s funky Marilyn voice? Because it already plucks my last nerve. Marilyn had a light, breathy voice that was so obviously a put-on, but it’s surprisingly hard for most women to duplicate without sounding like a–holes. Here’s the trailer:
I hate to say it, but to me, Michelle seems like the weak link. The film should fall on her shoulders, the film centers around her performance as Marilyn, and at the end of the day, I’m not sure Michelle has pulled it off. She’s just not vivacious enough. Sidenote: Her little wiggle and hip-pop looked jerky. One of the best movie lines about Marilyn in motion was from Some Like It Hot: “Look how she moves! It’s like Jell-O on springs. Must have some sort of built-in motor or something.”
As for the rest of the cast – Eddie Redmayne’s face scares me. It’s always scared me. His cheekbones are too high, and he has serial killer eyes (IMO). Judi Dench looks adorable, Emma Watson looks meh (bangs!), but for the love of God, Kenneth Branagh as Laurence Olivier never fails to make me giggle. Branagh has always thought he was the heir apparent to Olivier, he thinks he’s the next Olivier, and to see him play Olivier… it’s rough. The casting on this film is profoundly weird. But I do think the best/most interesting piece of casting was Dougray Scott as Arthur Miller. THAT is surprisingly good.
Photos courtesy of Vogue, header is a still from ‘My Week With Marilyn’.