Lorenzo dominates the field, Ubers' goal formula is revealed

With the spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 211 out, fans of the manga finally got to see New Gen World 11 Don Lorenzo in action as he displayed his skills, all while taking on the entire Bastard Munchen team. To make things even more exciting, it seems like Kaiser and Lorenzo already have an existing rivalry between them.

The previous chapter saw the match between Bastard Munchen and Ubers begin as Kaiser and Ness passed the ball between each other to go past Ubers' midfield. Upon closing in on the final third, Kaiser used Ness and Grimm to his advantage, acquiring an open space for attack. However, Don Lorenzo intercepted the cross to him.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Blue Lock manga.

Blue Lock chapter 211: Isagi uses meta-vision to stop Ubers' attack

As per the spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 211, titled Zombie, the chapter opened with Don Lorenzo stopping Kaiser's surprise attack by using his predictive power and physical ability. Even Isagi was surprised, given how he himself was not able to predict the attack. While he had studied Lorenzo's playstyle, the real deal was even more amazing.

Lorenzo and Kaiser then had a squabble over auction values and money, as Lorenzo said that he believed there was nothing that money could not buy. Following that, he pinpointed players from the Bastard Muchen team, including Kurona, Yukimiya, and Isagi, as he mentioned their values and rallied his team for a counter-attack.

The moment Lorenzo was about to kick the ball, Kunigami and Raichi arrived one after the other to stop him. However, Lorenzo got past them easily. Raichi was having trouble reading his movements as his upper body and lower body actions weren't synchronized, making it seem almost as if he were a zombie.

Lorenzo then passed the ball between his teammates to dribble past Bastard Munchen's team. During all this, Hiori, who was on the bench, identified Lorenzo as the core of Ubers. While defending, Lorenzo would be a defender and Niko would be in the midfield, but if Lorenzo were to gain possession of the ball, he would switch positions with Niko, allowing him to join the attack.

As Lorenzo reached the penalty area, the Bastard Munchen team had their focus on him. However, Hiori was able to predict that Lorenzo would pass the ball to Barou as no one was marking him. Sure enough, when Lorenzo passed the ball to Barou, Isagi intercepted the pass using his meta-vision.

Final thoughts on Blue Lock chapter 211 spoilers

Blue Lock chapter 211 spoilers revealed how Lorenzo was the core of Ubers' team. While Bastard Munchen has already had to stay wary of Barou, Lorenzo is now in the mix. Given the unpredictability of Lorenzo's play, Isagi or Kaiser may have to quickly come up with a solution that would deem Lorenzo useless.

Hiori Yo as seen in the manga (Image via Twitter/@drapsmann_2604)

Meanwhile, Blue Lock chapter 211 also focused on Hiori's monologue of the match, which could be a hint that he might feature in the game. That being said, it will be his first appearance in the Neo Egoist League. It was only a few chapters ago when Hiori's past was revealed, which altogether could be a buildup to a huge moment for him.

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