How to fix, possible causes, and more

The "Contacting Destiny 2 servers error" is a common issue, which usually appears when the game is experiencing connectivity problems. While this cannot be classified as a possible error code, there are a few fixes and workarounds that can be employed. If the game itself is plagued with issues, players must wait till the developers deploy a fix.

Having said that, what are the possible reasons behind the "contacting Destiny 2 servers" error, and how does one fix it?

Why does the "contacting Destiny 2 servers" error occur?

Bungie's looter shooter is a live service title, so it's not unusual to see the "contacting Destiny 2 servers" error appear frequently. It can either be caused by a plethora of server-side issues or triggered by a few client-side problems. With that said, here's how you fix this error.

How to fix the "contacting Destiny 2 servers" error

Before trying to fix this error, you must determine if it's a client-side or a server-side issue. To do this, make your way to the official Bungie Help Twitter page. If there's a major outage or major server problems, the developers are quick to inform everyone through a tweet.

In that case, you will have to wait till Bungie fixes the problems on their end. However, you can try the following solutions if nothing has been reported about the error.

1) Restart your network devices

Given that this error is a network-related error, your first course of action would be to restart your network devices. Usually, restarting your modem or router will force a new connection to the Bungie servers, thereby solving the issue. Furthermore, if there's some issue with your devices, a quick restart should solve that problem as well. However, if it's hardware trouble, you may have to replace the device.

2) Switch to a wired connection

In most cases, a wired connection is more stable than a wireless connection. So whenever you're playing any live service title or a game that requires a steady internet connection, using a wired connection ensures reduced to no data loss during transfer, thereby assuring a stable connection.

3) Check firewall status

The Windows firewall is quite notorious for blocking game connections. So, if you're getting the "connecting Destiny 2 servers" error, check if the game is still being considered as an exception in the firewall. If not, you must add it manually.

4) Check for error codes

Usually, whenever you encounter the "contacting Destiny 2 servers" error screen, it'll be followed by an error code. This error code will help you pinpoint the real issue and provide potential ways to troubleshoot it.

In case none of these solutions work, make your way to the official Bungie forums and share posts regarding these grievances. Community managers and developers are usually active on the forums and can quickly address your concerns.

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