How old is Sam Carmona? The Circle contestant hails from Brooklyn

The Circle is set to return to Netflix for another season. Season 5 is set to feature a flirty new twist and will feature a new batch of contestants who are in a race to win the grand cash prize. The new season will feature contestants who are either single or pretending to be, and one of them is Sam Carmona from Brooklyn.

Sam is no stranger to fame and has made a name for herself on various social media accounts, including TikTok, where she has over 775K followers.

The Circle season 5 will premiere on Netflix on December 28, at 3:01 am ET.

The Circle's Sam Carmona is a freelance makeup artist

The Circle season 5 will feature a fresh batch of contestants, including Sam Carmona, the self-proclaimed Brooklyn Rican. The 34-year-old social media influencer first gained fame on TikTok, where she currently has over 775K followers. When she’s not on the internet, she works as a freelance makeup artist and often takes to the platform to post tutorials and regimes.

Her Instagram account stands at 65K followers and is likely to grow once the show airs. The Circle contestant often takes to the social media platform to post vlogs, where her grandmother often makes an appearance. Sam currently lives in New York, where most of her content is filmed.

Joining the makeup artist in season 5 is Big Brother alum Brett Robinson, America’s Got Talent alum Marvin Archi, Brian Clark as Brittney, Billie Jean Blackett as Bruno, Chaz Lawrey, Oliver Twixst, Raven Sutton, who will appear on the show with her best friend and interpreter Paris, Shubham Goel, Tasia Lesley as Tamira, comedian Tom Houghton, and Xanthi Perdikomatis. The upcoming season will be hosted by Michelle Buteau, who has been hosting the show since its inception.

The show's first four episodes will air this week

The Netflix show's season 5 will air the first four episodes on December 28. Following this, the series will drop episodes in three batches. The next four episodes will air the following week on January 4, 2023. This will be followed by four more episodes on January 11, and the finale will air on January 18, 2023. Each episode’s run time will be between 45 and 60 minutes and will follow the lives of the contestants as they stay in an apartment and interact with each other virtually.

The synopsis of the upcoming season reads:

"The new season of the reality competition, officially called The Circle: Singles, will follow players who claim to be romantically available as they jockey for popularity with their sequestered co-stars. Some of these competitors will be telling the truth, and others will be strategically catfishing as a singleton, all in the hopes of winning Season 5’s cash prize."

It continues:

"Shubham ‘Shubi’ Goel, who thrived in The Circle Season 1, will be one of those game players. You can expect more flirting, more drama and lots of surprises as these singles battle it out to be named top influencer."

The contestants will take home a grand prize of $100,000. Tune in on December 28 to see what happens when The Circle season 5 premieres on Netflix.

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